Friday, November 9, 2007

Mad Eye Moody

Hot and cold doesn't begin to describe my mood swing issue of late. More like bubbly and tyrannical. How does one manage to fit both of those emotions in their day on a regular flip-flop hourly schedule? If I had a magic spell to balance my hormones, align my chakras, and wane the moon all at once, you better believe I'd be waggin' that magic wand.

I became so irritated by my own irritability that I googled, "Women's Moods" and bought the first book that popped up on Amazon. Not so surprisingly, it was entitled, "Women's Moods." Creative.

I kept looking for distractions today. I cleaned the bathroom to a T. I shoveled out the gobs of poop from James Bond's kitty litter. I packed an effing suitcase for my empty Waxhaw home thinking a personal mini retreat would be nice.

And I made it to here. Panera Bread Company in Concord, NC where the soup is hot, the wireless free, and the families with loud kids bountiful. I can't decide if I want to go home and be a lonely cat lady with our six fat cats... or if I want to go back to Salisbury where the dishes are dirty and the people are... too familiar.


Did you know familiarity makes you like a person? The familiar attracts us. This is why we're prone to prefer a mirror image of ourselves over an actual photo. We're used to seeing ourselves in reverse (aka: the mirror) and so we like it better. This probably explains my affinity for photobooth images instead of regular ones. I like my hair to look parted to the right though it's always on the left. I learned this in Interpersonal Relations. Or as I like to call it, "Self-Help for Candace 101."

So, I'm going to do something tonight that I have always, always, always wanted to do but been too wimpy to actually carry out.

I'm going to see a movie by myself.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "My God. Can we say crazy cat lady in the making?" And you know what? Maybe, we can. But, perhaps my New York audition for Bernard Telsey casting in January will at least somewhat prevent me from living alone in the Boonies with twelve cats, some knitting needles, and a box of self-cut coupons. The fact of the matter is, I WANT to see a movie by myself. I've always wanted to. And now, I will. And afterward, I will determine my destination in regards to my after-movie mood.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dearest candace,

i watch movies by myself ALL THE TIME. when we both get cast in rent, want to share an amazing apartment?

